Name: Rachel Bruce
Year: 2018
Major: Growth and Structure of Cities
What’s happening! We’d love to hear about how your internship is going.
It’s going really well so far! This summer, I’m working as a Philadelphia Organizing Intern for Food & Water Watch, a national non-profit organization that aims to provide clean food, water, and energy for all people. Our main project this summer is organizing the March for a Clean Energy Revolution, a March and rally that will take place on July 24th (the eve of the Democratic National Convention). Its message is to urge candidates in both major political parties to make climate change and clean energy a priority for both their candidacies and their time in office. If you want to get involved, please visit or email me at!
Most of my work revolves around outreach for the March, such as attending and running community events (like petitioning at farmers’ markets or phone banks). I have been working mostly with constituencies in Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. I have really enjoyed meeting local people from the area and not only learning about the different environmental issues that affect them, but also mobilizing volunteers and support to address and fix them. I also manage the social media pages for “Food & Water Watch, New Jersey” and help out with other office or March-related tasks as they arise. The other day we shot the promo for the March in front of City Hall!

Me at my desk at 1501 Cherry Street! It overlooks a courtyard and playground for a nearby school and has a great view of the Comcast Center.
Our office is small, but with all the work it takes to plan the March there is never a dull moment! One of the best parts of working for a non-profit organization, aside from doing work that will benefit others, is that there is so much room to build relationships with your coworkers. The other day, we were going to have a field day in Rittenhouse Square but were unable to because it rained. Instead, we ate Mochi together in the courtyard and it was just as great!
Working for Food & Water Watch has allowed me to see the different career and service opportunities available in politics and urban planning has led me to fall in love with my major and field of choice a little more than I already did. I’m learning a lot about what it takes to plan and carry out a successful campaign, from outreach to organization and everything in between. This work is really great because I know that it has the potential to benefit countless others.
How I Heard About My Internship:

Recording for the March for a Clean Energy promo!
I first heard about my internship through Lantern Link, Bryn Mawr’s online job/internship portal. It’s a really great resource, especially for students who want to see all of the options available for their major and/or interests!
Why I Applied for My Internship:
When I first began the internship application process earlier this year, I knew that I wanted to participate in something that would allow me to contribute to something larger than myself, help me to explore the intersection of city planning and politics, and be service-oriented. I had read about Food & Water Watch’s efforts in the past against several proposed pipelines and really admired their work! As a participant of LILAC’s Summer of Service Program — a cohort of ten students selected to live together on Bryn Mawr’s campus and pursue a service-oriented internship — I knew that I wanted to remain in the Philadelphia area (plus the excitement surrounding the DNC was extremely contagious, so I knew that I wanted to do something in conjunction with it). It seemed perfect!